What’s With The Funny Design?

Let us tell you what it means to us

Why is this?

Exhibit A

Barring any rare birth abnormalities or physical trauma early in your life, after you are born your cervical spine (neck) naturally develops a curve defined as the normal cervical lordotic curvature. When viewed in an x-ray, this position is shown as a slight curvature from the base of the skull to the bottom of the neck that gently curves towards the chin. Your neck’s normal curvature is typically within a +17cm to +24cm degree arc (see Exhibit A). This position is the natural way your neck should rest when you stand or sit looking straight ahead, referred to as your neck’s natural rested state.

When a person’s neck is outside of this normal range, our treatment of thousands of patients along with extensive medical studies have shown that ailments such as degenerative cervical arthritis, herniated discs, headaches, carpal tunnel, loss of range of motion, neck and shoulder pain, snoring, tight muscles, muscle spasms, inability to sleep through the night without waking and other pain is experienced much more frequently than in individuals with normal neck curvature. In addition, the longer one’s neck is in an abnormal state, the more likely these symptoms are to increase in frequency and severity.

Most people spend approximately 1/3 of their lives sleeping and restful sleep is a critical component of health. Sleep is a time when our bodies heal and regenerate, especially during deep sleep (REM). Allowing your body to sleep in its natural rested state can maximize your body’s ability to recover each night and can have significant untold health benefits over your lifetime.

Given the proven correlation between abnormal neck curvature and its associated health ailments, as well as the connection between normal neck alignment and improved sleep, why wouldn’t you want to ensure you are sleeping on a pillow that is proven to support your proper neck curvature and provide a more restful sleep?

That’s what brings us to our explanation of our pillows’ funny design…

How did Dr. Marink’s pillows get their shape?

Medical science and the need for comfort!

Since no pillows existed to provide proper support while also being comfortable enough to use, Drs. John and Peter Marinkovic set out to develop a pillow based on medical science that provides ultimate comfort and is designed to support the proper curvature and alignment of your neck and spine.

In designing the pillow, Dr. John and Dr. Pete started with a blank slate and let medical science drive the ultimate shape of the pillow. The shape of each Dr. Marink’s pillow evolved through extensive research and numerous design iterations, vetted by countless numbers of static and motion x-ray studies.

Since back sleepers require different support than side sleepers, Dr. John and Dr. Pete created two distinct pillows to meet the specific needs of each sleeping position. In addition, they created a combination pillow, intelligently integrating the unique aspects of the back and side sleeper pillows to provide proper support for those who like to switch from one sleep position to another throughout the night.

Unlike most pillows which simply conform to your neck regardless of its alignment, Dr. Marink’s pillows help position your neck and spine in its proper anatomical position even if your neck curvature is reversed (kyphotic).

Don’t be fooled by animations used as “proof” by other pillow companies.

The designs of Dr. Marink’s uniquely contoured pillows were driven by medical science and definitively validated to provide proper anatomical support for your head and neck while sleeping. No other pillow company can make that claim.

Dr. Marink’s pillows are the first anatomically-engineered pillows specifically designed to not only support the proper curvature of your neck and alignment of your spine when you sleep, but also to be invitingly comfortable so you will look forward to using the pillow as you enjoy the most restful night’s sleep possible!

Countless elements in our lives and society have evolved substantially over the years, providing us with significant, proven benefits. Although long overdue, the pillow has now evolved as well. The evolution of the Dr. Marink’s pillows are proven to support the proper curvature of your neck and have been shown to provide more comfortable sleep and offer significant health benefits that will be reaped throughout your life.

Evolve how you sleep… Sleep on a Dr. Marink’s pillow tonight!