The Importance Of Natural Neck Alignment

Your health is first

Your body is an intricate system of many thousands of interrelated parts and it’s important to do what you can to maintain natural alignments in the body in order to strengthen the body and optimize its ability to heal itself.

All of the thousands of nerves in your body are connected to your spinal cord, which runs through the individual bones (vertebrae) of your spine. Through each of the vertebrae, nerves branch out and connect to all areas of your body, playing a vital role in health and well being. When vertebrae are misaligned, it can cause aggravation or pinching of the spinal cord or any of the nerves exiting the spinal column. This can create problems in your body, not only around the area of misalignment but also in other areas where the affected nerves lead. Problems throughout the body such as muscle pain, stiffness, numbness/tingling, weakness, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome or general feelings of discomfort can be caused by misaligned vertebrae.

Extensive multi-year research by Drs. John and Peter Marinkovic has shown that just about all down-filled, polyester-filled, foam-filled and contoured-foam pillows force your neck out of alignment. Even when vertebrae are only temporarily misaligned, your body’s optimal health can be impaired. Snoring and sleep apnea can also be affected.

In contrast to these other pillows, Dr. Marink’s pillows have been shown to maintain the natural alignment of the neck and spine, referred to as normal lordotic curvature. In fact, the pillows can even help alleviate pain and discomfort in people with subluxations that cause a person’s neck curvature to be reversed.

While we’re not claiming that using a Dr. Marink’s pillow will cure or treat any of the above-mentioned symptoms or conditions, we can say that a normal lordotic curvature of the cervical spine is less likely to cause these symptoms or conditions. That’s why it’s important to do the most you can to promote your body’s natural spinal alignment, like finding the right pillow to sleep on.

Dr. Marink’s pillows have been shown through x-ray studies to maintain normal lordotic cervical curvature in individuals with normal neck curvature and can also help properly position the cervical spine while sleeping in individuals who do not have normal lordotic curvature due to previous injury. This can result in more comfortable and restful sleep, less pain and stiffness upon waking, and the possibility that other symptoms or issues in the body may be addressed by the normalization of the neck’s alignment.

We are the only pillow manufacturer that has x-ray studies to back our claim of proper neck and spine alignment.

Our pillows also provide inviting comfort. In fact, our test subjects assert that Dr. Marink’s pillows are the most comfortable pillows they have ever slept on!

So, what does this all mean to you?

It means you may not only sleep better, but you’ll sleep healthier with a Dr. Marink’s pillow!