The Dr. Marink’s Pillow Story

This is an amazing story

The story behind the Dr. Marink’s pillow all started when Dr. John Marinkovic, an experienced chiropractor in New Jersey, was having trouble sleeping over a two year period. He was constantly waking up at night and having trouble falling back to sleep, even though he did not have any neck pain or other noticeable symptoms that could explain his sleeping difficulties. In fact, when Dr. John’s brother, Dr. Peter Marinkovic, x-rayed his neck at their chiropractic practice, the x-rays showed Dr. John’s neck had normal cervical lordotic curvature, a critical component to healthy spinal alignment and restful sleep.

After trying numerous remedies to no avail and frustrated by what could be causing his sleeping difficulties, Dr. John turned his attention to the pillow he had been using to see if he could uncover an answer to his problem. He asked Dr. Pete to take an x-ray of him while he was laying on his pillow to see what happened to his neck while using it. To his surprise, the well-known, high-end contoured pillow he was using, and had been recommending to patients, was adversely changing the curvature of his neck beyond the range considered to be in the natural, rested state.

Thinking the issues he uncovered may be due to the age of the pillow, Dr. John purchased a new pillow, which did in fact feel softer. However, the restless nights continued. Dr. Pete x-rayed Dr. John sleeping on his new pillow and it again showed that the pillow was adversely changing the curvature of his neck, almost to the point of being completely straight!

Without any other health issues being suspected of causing Dr. John’s restless nights, and knowing the importance proper neck curvature and spine alignment have on one’s health and the quality of one’s sleep, Dr. Pete and Dr. John decided to purchase a number of different styles and shapes of pillows and began a comprehensive x-ray study to see how each pillow affected not only their own neck curvatures, but also the curvatures of a number of test subjects.

What they found was that despite the fact that various polyester-filled pillows, down-filled pillows, foam pillows, contoured pillows and other premium pillows sported claims of providing proper neck support, almost all of the pillows tested adversely shifted subjects’ neck curvatures outside of the rested state range. There was one pillow that did not adversely impact subjects’ neck curvatures but it was so extremely uncomfortable that no test subject was able to acclimate to it or want to continue using it.

It was at this point in the process that Dr. Pete and Dr. John felt compelled to develop a pillow that not only properly supported neck curvature and spine alignment, but also was extremely comfortable to use. It soon became an obsession of theirs.

After an exhaustive multi-year research and development effort, during which the doctors considered every aspect of effective pillow design, from what types of material a pillow could be constructed from and how people use their pillows during sleep to what design elements would result in the most natural neck alignment possible while also being comfortable and durable, the Dr. Marink’s pillow line was created.

Dr. Marink’s pillows are the first truly anatomically-designed pillows that can factually claim to position the neck in its natural state, maintaining proper spine alignment and providing inviting comfort for the most restful, healthy sleep possible.

X-ray case studies document that Dr. Marink’s pillows promote and support natural rested-state neck curvature during sleep, referred to as normal lordotic curvature, even for people who have abnormal neck curvature while standing. Initially following the pillows’ debut, every person trying a Dr. Marink’s pillow raved about the comfort they experienced and the restful nights of sleep they enjoyed, claiming that they will never go back to sleeping on another type of pillow again – ever!

Besides the technical data backing up the fact that Dr. Marink’s pillows help support proper neck curvature and spine alignment, some of the greatest proof regarding the positive effects of their new pillow design came from Dr. John himself. After battling with restless nights for far too long, Dr. John happily began sleeping through the night again!

Experience the Dr. Marink’s difference – you’ll quickly discover why people who have already tried this unique contoured pillow claim that they will never sleep on another pillow again!

Sleep different™… Sleep on a Dr. Marink’s pillow tonight!