
Read what people is saying about our products

  • “I want to start by saying, I truly was skeptical that Dr. John’s new pillow would help my neck pain.  I had suffered for months with constant, daily, neck pain, that made it uncomfortable to do just about anything.  I kept purchasing new pillows practically every week, trying to find one that would ease the pain upon waking.  Dr. John’s pillow has taken away my neck pain! I no longer toss and turn to get my head comfortable. It truly has been a life-changer.”
    — Maria F.

  • “I have used Dr. John’s new pillow. It is an excellent pillow, which has enabled me to sleep much better than in the past.  I recommend it to everyone.”
    — Al G.

  • “I started seeing Dr. John for neck and back pain. I drive 1 hour and 15 minutes each way to see him. At the time I first saw him, I was using a popularly advertised pillow that was not helping my neck pain at all.  Dr. John suggested I try his “Side Sleeper”. The morning after trying the new pillow I gave my old one to my cat. I continue to use the “Side Sleeper” and feel better for it.”
    — Gene B.

  • “To all considering buying Dr. Marink’s pillow!

    “My experience with Dr. Marink’s pillow has been exceptional! I have tried other pillows and none have given the results that Dr. Marink’s pillow has!  I sleep more soundly, awaken without any neck pain, and feel refreshed in the morning.  My wife claims that it has all but stopped my snoring!! Dr. Marink’s pillow has been a blessing for me, and I recommend it wholeheartedly!”
    — James J.

  • “I love the pillow (so does my husband) and I feel that I sleep better with it and also feel some comfort in the fact that I am using a pillow that is actually good for my neck. I also really like the fact that there is a back and side sleeping option for the pillow ­ it’s very thoughtfully designed.”
    — Tamami J.

  • “I have suffered from chronic neck pain for years. I have tried a lot of different pillows in the past and have mostly been disappointed.  Using Dr. John’s pillow has helped relieve some of the discomfort I have experienced and has actually helped me sleep much more comfortably.”
    — Ken L.

  • “I just wanted to let you know that, since receiving your backsleeper pillow, I can’t remember when I last slept so well.  Your pillow supports my neck which results in a much more comfortable position and much more restful sleep.  Thank you again for this terrific pillow.”
    — Philip S.

  • “I’ve been using Dr. Marink’s pillow for over a year now.  In the beginning, I was skeptical because the first couple nights were not as comfortable as I would have thought.  However, by the third night, my body had completely adjusted to the unique design of this pillow and I slept wonderfully.  After so many nights of restless sleeping and waking up with an aching neck on other pillows. Dr. Marink’s pillow was a relief!  I have been using Dr. Marink’s pillow ever since!”
    — Mandy T.

  • “I started using Dr. John’s pillow over a year ago and the results were amazing.  But first let me give you a little history about my particular situation and how this pillow brought me in a relatively short period of time, pain relief, comfort, a more sound sleep and also stopped my snoring, which made my wife particularly grateful.  You see I was experiencing tremendous pain and discomfort in my neck for some time.  It got to a point that when I went to sleep I could not get comfortable and would awake several times during the night with severe pain in my neck.  I tried all different types of pillows including memory foam and none seemed to help.  I would toss and turn all night long and nothing seemed to help.  I mentioned this to Doctor John and he suggested I try his pillow and I’m forever grateful that he did.  I now get a very comfortable, sound sleep and awake without any neck pain at all and best of all according to my wife……no more snoring!”
    — Ray T.

  • “I have been a chiropractor for around 30 years  In that time I have bought and tested dozens of pillows for myself and my patients.  Some were good, most were junk.  Finally there is a pillow I can call excellent.  It is based on science and more importantly – results.  Having used this pillow for over three months I can say this is hands down the best pillow I have ever used.  Not only am I sleeping much more soundly but a numbness I have had in two of my fingers literally disappeared after the first night of using Dr. Marink’s Two in One Pillow.  My neck and shoulder stiffness have vastly improved as well.  Yes, it is expensive by ‘pillow standards’ but what is a good night’s sleep worth?  Now multiple that by 10 years and I feel it is an absolute bargain!”

    -Dr Anthony Pugliese DC (Author of  “The BulletProof Practice”)