Our Pillow Creators

Meet the team that made it possible

Drs. John and Peter Marinkovic are chiropractors who have spent their entire careers utilizing a specialized technique called the Results System that is irrefutably proven to correct treatable spines and necks to within medical norms even for people suffering from scoliosis.

The Results System is designed to treat only the specific misaligned vertebrae in a person’s spine and neck that are causing a person’s symptoms and differs substantially from the generalized approach of traditional chiropractic care. Dr. John and Dr. Pete have documented cases over the years with before, during and after x-rays, that allow patients to understand and see the progress their bodies make through this advanced treatment process. Passionate about their work, the doctors continually help advance the methodologies utilized in this specialized technique.

The expertise, passion for their work and reputation of Drs. John and Peter Marinkovic have attracted thousands of patients to their practice over the years, including celebrities and professional athletes. It is due to their extensive experience in treating misalignments in people’s necks and spines that Dr. John and Dr. Pete came to recognize the importance of keeping the neck properly aligned while sleeping. This same extensive experience of treating and caring for their patients over the years also helped provide the knowledge necessary to create the best pillow design possible.

Dr. John Marinkovic

Dr. John Marinkovic has been successfully treating patients since 1994.  Dr. John received his Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) at the Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, earning the prestigious “Who’s Who Award” for academic excellence.  After graduation, he studied with Dr. Anthony Pugliese, D.C., a world-renowned teacher of the Results System, a sophisticated computerized chiropractic treatment technique.  During this time, he obtained hands-on experience with over 7,000 patients before opening his own practice in Paramus, New Jersey in 1996.  In 1996, Dr. Anthony Pugliese and Dr. John Marinkovic were chosen to join the Sigma Instruments Research Team to assist in documenting successful outcomes across a range of patient cases involving their treatment technique.  Sigma Instruments Research later published a white paper utilizing Dr. John’s subject matter, which highlighted the effectiveness of computerized methodologies within the Results System’s chiropractic technique.

Dr. Peter Marinkovic

Dr. Peter Marinkovic has been successfully treating patients for nearly 10 years.  Dr. Pete received his Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) at the Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.  During his studies, he supplemented his doctoral curriculum with a main focus on the Results System.  After graduation, Dr. Pete studied with Dr. John and Dr. Anthony Pugliese.