About Our Products

We can tell you this about our products

Dr. Marink’s pillows provide the ultimate in sleeping comfort due to a revolutionary, anatomically-engineered design that results in supportive sleep posture.

By cradling your head and neck in the most natural position possible, our contoured pillows do more than simply provide you with a good night’s sleep – they allow you to wake up feeling rested, with less pain, stiffness and discomfort than you typically experience when sleeping on other types of pillows.

How is that possible?

Each style of Dr. Marink’s pillows has been designed using motion-based x-ray studies to ensure your head and neck are kept in the most natural position possible while you sleep. This is referred to as a neutral or rested state, which mimics the position you are in when you stand straight up and your head rests comfortably.

When sleeping on most pillows, the natural alignment of your head and neck is disrupted. This misalignment makes it difficult for you to find a comfortable sleeping position and limits your ability to enjoy a truly restful sleep.

Dr. Marink’s pillows ensure that your head and neck are properly supported so that they remain in their rested state, even while you sleep. This is achieved by supporting all areas of your head and neck in very precise ways through a patented contoured design.

In fact, our pillows provide such uniform support that you’ll feel like you’re sleeping on air!

Dr. Marink’s pillows come in three styles to accommodate different sleeping positions:

Back Sleeper Pillows
Side Sleeper Pillows
Back & Side Sleeper Combo Pillows(for those who alternate between back and side sleeping)


Our pillows are made in the U.S.A. and can be packed easily to take with you when you travel so you can enjoy the luxury of a good night’s sleep even when you’re on the go.  The foam used has been selected for its supportive compression quality, which allows your pillow to retain its shape over its lifetime and to be unaffected by temperature extremes.  As an added bonus, all Dr. Marink’s pillows fit in standard or king-sized pillow cases, so there is no need to buy special cases just to fit the pillow.

Discover the beneficial effects that a more natural sleep posture can provide…Sleep Different™… Sleep on a Dr. Marink’s pillow tonight!